TRANSCRIPT – ADH TV with Jake Thrupp

Jake Thrupp McManus wants wages to keep up with inflation and social benefits and income support to be fully and promptly indexed to the actual consumer prices paid by recipients. That’s a sure way of fueling inflation. I said it in my editorial and I’ll...

TRANSCRIPT – RN Breakfast with Patricia Karvelas

Patricia Karvelas Federal politicians are back in Canberra for the last sitting fortnight before the October Budget, and there is a packed legislative agenda. A key focus will be on industrial relations with the government set to begin consultations on proposed multi...

TRANSCRIPT – 4BC Brisbane Live with Neil Breen

Neil Breen Okay, the Jobs and Skills Summit finished up on Friday. It was a gabfest. I told you it was gonna happen and everything happened. But some revealing stuff over the weekend. The industrial relations Minister Tony Burke, before it even ended basically or as...

TRANSCRIPT – Sunday Agenda with Andrew Clennell

E&OE Andrew Clennell Well let’s go live now in the wake of the Jobs Summit to Michaelia Cash, the Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations. Michaelia Cash, thank you for joining us. Let’s start with the proposal to reform the Better Off...