Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash
Shadow Attorney-General
Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations
Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate
6PR with Oliver Peterson
5 December 2023
Topics: Immigration detention
Oliver Peterson
The Shadow Attorney-General is Michaelia Cash. Good afternoon.
Senator Cash
Good afternoon, Oli.
Oliver Peterson
We’ve now got a third released immigration detainee arrested for a sex offender list breach?
Senator Cash
Well quite frankly Oli, our worst fears have now come true. This is a man that it is reported is a registered sex offender, previously alleged by police to have headed a prostitution ring, which preyed on children in state care. And it’s also reported that a court was told how he once traded a pack of cigarettes for sex with a 13 year old girl. This is one of the detainees which the Albanese Labor Government has let out. This is actually almost mind blowing, the Prime Minister’s first responsibility is to keep the Australian community safe and the Albanese government has done the complete opposite.
Oliver Peterson
You’ve had to bring the debate on today in the Senate. It’s been a very busy day in Canberra, but it was actually a motion moved by the opposition to bring this bill on?
Senator Cash
And that’s exactly right. We had always said from day one Oli, bring in a preventative detention regime. Peter Dutton had been saying that, from the day the High Court handed down the original order. And here we are, one month later. And finally, at the behest of a Coalition today, not at the Labor government – they had to agree to our motion to bring this legislation on, what a complete, total and utter joke. They couldn’t bring it on themselves, we had to move a motion to have this legislation brought on so we can keep the community safe.
Oliver Peterson
Why wasn’t the government bringing it on, why did it have to be down to the opposition, Senator?
Senator Cash
I think the only answer to that is incompetence. I mean, the reason these criminals are in the community is because of the Minister’s incompetence. This is quite frankly, the greatest failure in the migration portfolio since boats arrived, and Labor lost control of our borders when they were last in power. I mean, they are just all over the place. It’s been as I said, one month since the High Court brought down its decision, and the government has been caught flat footed and asleep at the wheel. In fact, what we also know is Minister O’Neil failed to prepare for an expected High Court loss. Do you know why? She claimed they were advised they would win. Well Oli, I think the majority of people would know, government prepare for all potential outcomes. You know, if you get a win, that’s fantastic, but prepare for a loss.
Oliver Peterson
Well, they have to prepare as well if these laws do pass for another High Court challenge and potentially another loss there Senator?
Senator Cash
Well in the first instance, these laws will pass the Senate today. Why? Because the Coalition is supporting them. We had called for a preventative detention regime. One month later, the government is finally bringing the legislation to the Senate. All be it, because the coalition had to bring it on. The legislation will then pass through the House of Representatives on Thursday. I would hope that as of tonight, the relevant Minister is doing assessments on all of these detainees, to work out how they make application to the court to ask the court to put them back inside. So let’s just see where the government goes from here. But I have to say based on their lackluster approach to date, you’ve got to wonder whether or not they’re even prepared to do that.
Oliver Peterson
I heard your colleague, Dan Tehan with Gary Adshead this morning – indicate that Andrew Giles and Clare O’Neil should not be in their portfolios. Katy Gallagher coming to their defence, saying they’re incredibly hard working Minister’s who’ve been thrown into a complex situation. Do you sympathize at all with those in the government?
Senator Cash
Absolutely not. Government must be prepared to deal with complex situation. These Minister’s have shown by their failure to respond properly to the High Court decision, in fact, by being unprepared for the High Court decision that they should no longer be in their portfolios. Oli, they have released into our community what is now up to 148 high risk criminals, rapists, pedophiles, a contract killer and murderers. We now have it being reported that two detainees have allegedly now committed offenses. One, a convicted sexual predator who was once flagged by a judge Oli as a danger to the Australian community and an ongoing risk to women. And yesterday, it is reported that he was arrested and charged with indecently assaulting a woman in South Australia. And then today, we have it reported that the registered sex offender has basically also been arrested for breaching his reporting obligation and making contact with minors. Where does it end Oli under this government?
Oliver Peterson
Senator Cash, appreciate your time. Thank you very much.
Senator Cash
Great to be with you Oli.
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