Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash
Shadow Attorney-General
Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations
Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate
Senator for Western Australia


Sky News – Credlin

20 August 2024

TOPICS: CFMEU legislation, Gaza visas


Peta Credlin

Welcome back, still to come more proof that Chris Bowen’s political hubris is out of step with simple engineering realities. His EV dream is blowing up. But first – a fair bit of to-ing and fro-ing, the Coalition struck a deal with Labor to pass this CFMEU reform legislation. So what’s in the deal, and will it bring the militant union to heel? To discuss this, I’m joined now by the Shadow Workplace Relations Minister, Michaelia Cash. Well Senator, take my viewers through the details of what’s passed the parliament. What sort of concessions did you get from Labor and can we trust them?

Senator Cash

Well Peta, the bill that was tabled by Murray Watt last Monday quite frankly, it could have been written by John Setka himself. You could have driven a truck through it. And that is why, despite Labor screaming from the highest rafter that the bill needed to be passed there and then, the Coalition took the time to review it and as you have said, secure some very serious amendments. In the first instance get this, Murray Watt had given himself as the Minister the unilateral power to release the CFMEU from administration whenever he felt like it. You couldn’t script it, but he did. We have secured a three year minimum administration for the CFMEU. Get this as well. It was a slap on the wrist approach to union officials who’ve done the wrong thing – up to a five year ban. Well, guess what? We’ve secured up to a lifetime ban. They didn’t want any transparency in relation to the administration. We have secured a report to the Parliament every six months in detail from the administrator. But also Labor are big on saying they won’t take their money. I asked them, why won’t you give back the $6.2 million you took from the CFMEU? So in relation to the political donations, I have a letter from the administrator written to Murray Watt stating there will be no political donations or party political campaign expenditure during the period of the administration. So a substantially improved bill but as I said, I was being screamed at last week by Murray Watt being told pass this legislation, you’re holding it up. I don’t pass legislation that looks like Peta that it’s been drafted by John Setka. I do my job, and the Coalition secured those very serious amendments.

Peta Credlin

Let’s go to the visa issue, because you’re formerly an Attorney-General. You know what you talking about when it comes to the National Cabinet Security Committee. Your colleague Dan Tehan asked I thought, a very good question today. He asked, ‘was ASIO consulted before this decision to hand out tourist visas?’ Now he asked it multiple times in the chamber today in question time, he did not get an answer. But we know the Prime Minister had removed ASIO from the NSC when this decision was taken. So was this done deliberately I wonder?

Senator Cash

Peta, it’s a very good question because let’s look at the evidence. This is a Prime Minister that takes a very lackadaisical approach to national security. He cannot answer the basic questions that the Australian people deserve to have answered. In relation to the 1300 people that you have issued tourist visas to who have come in from the Gazan war zone, which has been controlled by a listed terrorist organization, Prime Minister, what security checks were undertaken? Cannot answer that question. He cannot advise the Parliament why he misquoted the Director-General of ASIO in trying to support what they have done, refuses to answer why he misquoted him, refuses to stand up and answer the basic questions including why are our like-minded friends and allies taking a very cautious approach to bringing people in from the war zone of Gaza when Australia is just literally going hell for leather. There are serious questions Peta that a Prime Minister should be able to stand up at a moment’s notice and answer. But the fact that they removed ASIO from the National Security Committee of Cabinet quite frankly shows they are not serious about national security and that is a very, very dangerous government to have in control of Australia.

Peta Credlin

I think my viewers tonight are wishing you’ll keep pursuing this issue Senator Cash. They are concerned. Thank you for your time.