Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash
Shadow Attorney-General
Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations
Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate
Senator for Western Australia
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was too gutless to attend a rally of thousands of farmers angry over his livelihood destroying live sheep export ban and the fact he is willing to joke about it.
Shadow Attorney-General and Western Australian Senator Michaelia Cash said a strong Prime Minister would have fronted the rally at Parliament House.
“We know Mr Albanese is a weak Prime Minister and he has displayed that once again by failing to turn up to front the farmers face to face,’’ Senator Cash said.
“Closing down the live sheep export industry is a direct attack on Western Australia in particular. It is also an attack on our farmers’ livelihoods and will mean thousands of jobs will be lost,’’ she said.
“To make matters worse the Prime Minister showed his utter contempt for our farmers by making a joke about live exports at a recent dinner in Canberra,’’ Senator Cash said.
“It is an absolute disgrace that Mr Albanese is destroying the livelihoods of our farmers and joking about it,’’ she said.
“What Mr Albanese should have done was to front the rally to apologise for his poor taste joke and explain properly why he is destroying our farmers’ livelihoods,” Senator Cash said.
“Thousands of farmers and their supporters from all over the country have come to Parliament House to let the Government know how their policies are harming them and they are snubbed by the Prime Minister – it’s disgraceful,’’ she said.
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