The Hon Angus Taylor MP
Shadow Treasurer
Member for Hume

Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash
Shadow Attorney-General
Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations
Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate
Senator for Western Australia




Australians are working harder than ever to keep their heads above water as the Albanese Government’s cost of living crisis continues to impact them.

Employment data released today shows the unemployment rate remained steady at 4.2%, but more hours are being worked by those with jobs.

There was also a large increase in the number of part time jobs, often sought by people looking to supplement their income with extra work.

Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor said Labor inherited a strong labour market from the Coalition, but Labor’s claims about the job market don’t match the reality that Australians are feeling.

“After two years of Labor, real wages are falling and unemployment is growing. Youth unemployment is on the rise and the social services caseload has increased.

“For Australians who have jobs – it feels like they can’t keep ahead because their bills and mortgages keep going up.

“Economists have pointed out that almost all of Labor’s job creation has been in the public or non-market sector – leaving small businesses stuck with skill shortages and the public sector crowding out private businesses.

“Government spending and migration are the only things propping up the economy and the jobs market – and that is not a sign of a healthy economy.

“To have a healthy economy, we need to get back to basics and back on track. We need to support small businesses, rein in government spending to bring down inflation, and cut red tape to drive productivity, boost real wages, create jobs, and drive business investment.

“This requires a Coalition government that puts creating a high growth, low inflation economy as its number one priority.”

Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Senator Michaelia Cash said today’s labour force figures show that the unemployment rate is not coming down.

“We also see that despite the Government’s commitment to ‘secure work’, full time employment has fallen, with all the jobs created this month being part time,’’ Senator Cash said.

“People now have to work harder than ever just to keep their heads above water,’’ she said.

“There are dark clouds on the horizon given that business groups are now saying the Albanese Government’s industrial relations laws are smashing productivity and sending a chilling effect throughout our economy,’’ Senator Cash said.

“It is very clear that the Albanese Government’s management of the economy is failing Australians,’’ she said.

“Australians are paying more for everything and having to work harder just to pay their bills,’’ Senator Cash said.

“Small businesses are getting smashed by rising costs, particularly energy costs and many are going broke,’’ she said.

“The ideological industrial relations policies of the Albanese Government have only made things worse for businesses that are already struggling,’’ Senator Cash said.