TRANSCRIPT – 4BC Brisbane Live with Neil Breen

Neil Breen Okay, the Jobs and Skills Summit finished up on Friday. It was a gabfest. I told you it was gonna happen and everything happened. But some revealing stuff over the weekend. The industrial relations Minister Tony Burke, before it even ended basically or as...

TRANSCRIPT – Sunday Agenda with Andrew Clennell

E&OE Andrew Clennell Well let’s go live now in the wake of the Jobs Summit to Michaelia Cash, the Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations. Michaelia Cash, thank you for joining us. Let’s start with the proposal to reform the Better Off...

TRANSCRIPT – Sky News with Tom Connell 26 August 2022

Tom ConnellUnions want to address the overhaul to the way enterprise agreements work. They want the possibility of multi-employer agreements, that is not just negotiating one employer but possible, multiple employers at the same time. We’re yet to know exactly...


Jim Wilson  Now, I’ve got high hopes for the upcoming jobs and skills summit next week, but if the unions have any sway whatsoever, watch out. Have a listen to this absolutely insane idea by Unions New South Wales. Now, this is the same mob in cahoots with...


E&OE Tom ConnellUnions want to address the overhaul to the way enterprise agreements work. They want the possibility of multi-employer agreements, that is not just negotiating one employer but possible, multiple employers at the same time. We’re yet to know...

TRANSCRIPT – The World According to Rowan Dean

E&OE Rowan Dean Welcome back. Well as Australia faces a widespread jobs drought, employers are currently looking for hundreds of thousands of workers to fill vacant positions. There are calls for migration to increase to fill gaps in the job market, as well as...