The Hon Angus Taylor MP
Shadow Treasurer
Federal Member for Hume

Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash
Shadow Attorney-General
Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations
Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate
Senator for Western Australia

12 DECEMBER 2024


The Albanese Government’s mismanagement of the economy is severely impacting the private sector and means Australians are working harder for less while their living standards are collapsing.

While it is encouraging to see Australians in jobs, employment data released today showing unemployment dropped to 3.9%, masks the real pain Australians are experiencing.

In the September quarter 91% of jobs created were in the public sector while the private sector struggled to find workers and is experiencing recession-like conditions due to Labor’s economic failures.

Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor said Labor’s failing economic plan is building bureaucracies, not businesses.

“The spike in taxpayer funded jobs is now coming at the expense of growth in the private sector,” Mr Taylor said.

“Labor’s bloated bureaucracy is out of control. This is not a sustainable pathway. Australia needs a strong private sector to have a strong economy.

“The Treasurer must use next week’s mid-year budget update to show he’s serious about turning the economy around. A failure to do will mean yet another year of financial pain and hardship for Australian families and businesses.”

Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Senator Michaelia Cash said Labor’s policies are making life harder for Australian workers and for private sector businesses.

“Australians keep working harder but they know their disposable income is going backwards,’’ Senator Cash said.

“If they can pay their bills there is very little or nothing left over for anything else,’’ she said.

“The private sector is just unable to create new jobs and this is not the way a successful economy operates,” Senator Cash said.

“Small businesses in particular are struggling and they keep telling me they are worse off now than when the Albanese Government came into office,’’ she said.

“They are also struggling with the cost, complexity and confusion of Labor’s radical industrial relations regime,’’ Senator Cash said.

“Australians were promised a lot by Anthony Albanese but he has failed to deliver. I can’t find anyone who tells me they are better off now than before the last election,’’ she said.