Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash
Shadow Attorney-General
Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations
Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate
Senator for Western Australia



Workplace Relations Minister Murray Watt has admitted the Albanese Labor Government will not be upfront with the Australian people before the next election about their second term industrial relations agenda.

In a speech at the National Press Club today Minister Watt was asked: “Can you say that, given this review time frame, that before the next election, you’ll put your IR agenda to voters, or will there be some surprises?”

Minister Watt replied: “Well, I mean, I think governments always take items to an agenda and then deliver extra things after they’re elected, and you’ve obviously got to make a judgment about whether you think that’s within the spirit of your mandate or not. I think, you know, governments do things as situations emerge.’’

Shadow Employment and Workplace Relations Minister Senator Michaelia Cash said it was now clear that the Albanese Labor Government has a hidden second term industrial relations agenda.

“Murray Watt specifically refused to commit to tell Australians of industrial relations policies they may implement if re-elected,’’ Senator Cash said.

“Just like at the last election there was no mention of multi-employer bargaining, Australians can be in no doubt now that Labor have secret plans if they get voted back in,’’ she said.

“They will burden business with even more red tape and complexity and implement policies that will be in favour of their paymasters in the union movement,’’ Senator Cash said.

“For example, unions have pushed for compulsory union bargaining fees for non-union members – standby for that policy if Labor get back into Government,’’ she said.

“Minister Watt should immediately commit to being up front with Australians and tell them what new workplace laws they will introduce after the election,’’ Senator Cash said.

“What is even more concerning is what the nation could face if there is a minority Labor Government in coalition with the Greens,’’ she said.