Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash
Shadow Attorney-General
Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations
Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate
Senator for Western Australia


TOPICS: Labour force figures, unemployment, wages

Senator Cash

Well, the labour force data for September shows, despite the creation of jobs in the economy, Australians are still struggling under Labor. The 4.1% unemployment rate, of course, it is welcomed by the Coalition. The job creation is welcomed by the Coalition. However, when you look behind the figures, we are now seeing what are incredibly concerning trends. For example, the jobs growth is now happening in the public sector, not the private sector. The Comm Bank data for March 23 to March 24, clearly showed that the public sector jobs growth of 7.6% or 316,000 jobs, versus the private sector growth at just 0.1% and 6000 jobs. If you look at the hours worked for the September quarter, that’s just the recent quarter – again, what you are seeing the hours worked are increasing in the public sector, not in the private sector. More and more part time jobs are being created. What that means is Australians are needing to work those additional hours. They put their hands up and say, I need additional work. Why? Because they are struggling under Labor all the Government does is pat themselves on the back and tell Australians how good they’ve got it. But when you look behind those figures, there are incredibly concerning trends. The public sector jobs growth is now outpacing the private sector, and that is because the Albanese Government is great at creating public sector jobs, but not so good at motivating the private sector to create jobs.


More than 64,000 jobs were created. That’s a good thing?.

Senator Cash

Again, you’ve got to look behind the figure to see where the jobs are being created. What you want in government is a robust and healthy private sector creating jobs. The CommBank data – they’ve done the report, they released it in July – March 23 to March 24 it was a concerning trend. The jobs growth in the public sector, ie, government funded jobs created by the government, 7.6% or 316,000 jobs. You then look at the job creation, or should I say, lack of job creation in the private sector, at 0.1% or just 6000 jobs. You look at insolvencies under this government are now at an all time high. Hours worked – they’re going up in the public sector as opposed to the private sector. So again, job creation is good. However, when the trend is the government increasing the size of the public sector at the expense of the private sector – that should be of concern to all Australians.


You mentioned that the wage price index?

Senator Cash

Yes, well, it was interesting, because Labor constantly stand up and say that wages went backwards under the Coalition government. That is just wrong. Wages, and that is real wages, during our time in government, they went forward. In other words, they increased. It is under the Albanese Government, over the two and a half years that they have been in government, real wages have gone backwards. The Government can spin it any way that they like, but they are the facts. Under the Coalition, because of the policies we put in place, real wages went forward. Under this government, over their time in office, it is a fact, no matter how they spin it, real wages have gone backwards. It is as simple as that, and Australians know it. In any event, it really doesn’t matter anymore what this government says. They continue to pat themselves on the back. I am now talking to people on a daily basis who are working two jobs, three jobs, just to make ends meet because they cannot afford life under Labor. I mean, prior to the last election, what did the Coalition say? Life would not be easy under Mr. Albanese. Two and a half years are on. You ask any Australian, do they feel better off today than they did when Mr. Albanese was first elected? And the answer is a resounding no.


Are Labor better at creating jobs?

Senator Cash

Look at where the jobs are being created. In the two and a half years, under this Government, you have an increase in the rate of jobs growth in the public sector. That’s just the Government increasing the size of the bureaucracy. What you want to see is a strong and healthy private sector. It’s the exact opposite under this government. You now have business insolvencies at an all-time high. You have people not working one job anymore to survive, working two jobs, working three jobs. And that’s not to get ahead. That is just to keep their heads above water. That is a direct result of the policies of the Albanese Government. So they can pat themselves on the back as much as they like. You go and talk to a person in the street. Go and stand outside of a shopping center. That’s a real reality check for people, because, as people are coming out, because the one thing they will tell you the bag has got smaller, and guess what – the price I’m paying for it has got a lot bigger. That’s the reality that Australians feel.