Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash
Shadow Attorney-General
Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations
Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate
Senator for Western Australia
Sky News – Erin
16 August 2024
TOPICS: CFMEU legislation, Gaza visas
Erin Molan
Okay, let’s bring in the Shadow Attorney-General, Michaelia Cash. Thank you so much for coming on Michaelia. This is so highly offensive. I wrote a piece in the paper, in The Daily Telegraph on this, this morning. It’s a racist policy. Sorry. What is this based on the color of their skin, on their ethnicity? No, of course, it’s not…
Senator Cash
Well Peter Dutton, has made it very, very clear this is not about a person’s race or religious belief. It’s not about a political persuasion. It is about Australia’s national security. And Peter Dutton, he will always put the best interests of Australia and our national security first. Mr. Anthony Albanese, our Prime Minister this week, has been unable to assure Australians of the security checks that have been undertaken on people coming in from Gaza. Erin, for the last two decades, this is an area that has been under the control of a listed terrorist organization. Our Prime Minister has failed Australians, and he stands condemned. And as for Ms. Steggall – well, you know a person has no intellectual substance to their argument when they have to resort to name calling, personal accusations and accusations of racism. Ms Steggall’s arguments do not hold any intellectual rigor but worse than that, they are not in Australia’s national security interest. Peter Dutton, you will always know that as our Prime Minister, he will put Australia and Australians first, and he will not make any excuses for doing that.
Erin Molan
Yeah, I agree with you entirely. It’s such a cheap shot and you’re right, it shows absolutely no substance to argument.
Senator Cash
No intellectual rigor at all.
Erin Molan
It’s unbelievable, and it’s the kind of word that everyone knows the second you use it, people back down, they disengage, they become afraid, because it’s so offensive the thought of people thinking you might be. But I’m so glad that Peter Dutton has come out and said I will not be silenced, this is not racism. Good on him because it’s so easy to back down because it’s terrifying this stuff.
Senator Cash
But Erin, what it also shows is, let’s be honest here, where does Zali Steggall sit on the political scale? She is a hard left green and her electorate need to understand that is the person who represents them.
Erin Molan
Michaelia, how dare you? She is an independent. She is an independent. How dare you?
Senator Cash
[Laughter] She’s an independent. So an independent whose voting record shows exactly where she sits. So, the people of Warringah and Australia need to remember – a vote for Zali Steggall, is a vote for Anthony Albanese, probably governing with the most left wing radical greens this country has ever seen. Well I can tell you, you know where you stand with Peter Dutton. He will always put Australia and Australians and our national security first. Zali Steggall has shown, she won’t.
Erin Molan
Now the government has failed to get their contentious CFMEU bill through the Senate. Now with the Greens and Coalition teaming up last night, to block the legislation. What’s your reaction to that? You’ve been very vocal on this obviously?
Senator Cash
Well, our Prime Minister needs to be up front with the Australian people. You know, does he want an administrator that has the necessary authority, accountability and transparency to actually clean up the CFMEU, or does he want someone who basically does not have the necessary powers to get to the bottom of this disgraceful culture of bullying, thuggery and intimidation? We have three very simple asks. Erin, the first is a ban by the CFMEU on political donations. Seriously Erin, I would have thought that was a no brainer. The second is in relation to transparency. Why is Anthony Albanese running away from transparency in relation to the administrator of the CFMEU? This is a government that talked such a big game on transparency prior to the election. Is he actually saying that a senior Kings Council of many years standing can’t front a Senate Estimates Committee three times a year for one to two hours. They’re afraid of transparency. But the third is the most important, a three year minimum. And you know why Erin? Because what you don’t want is branches of the CFMEU released from administration early. And guess what that will do – allow organized crime to find bolt holes in which it will flourish. So Mr. Albanese has a choice to make. Do you want an administrator that is set up to do the job properly and clean up the CFMEU or… And that’s only a decision that Mr. Albanese can make.
Erin Molan
Or a toothless tiger, of which you clearly are not, Senator Cash.
Erin Molan
Thank you very much. Really appreciate your time.
Senator Cash
Great to be with you.
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