Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash

Shadow Attorney-General

Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations

Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate


Today Show

Topics: Budget, Albanese’s tenant

16 May 2024


Karl Stefanovic

On the budget, do billionaires, Australia’s wealthiest who own multiple properties can claim the $300 energy rebate multiple times? Joining us to discuss today’s headlines is WA Senator Michaelia Cash and Northern Territory Senator Malarndirri McCarthy, ladies nice to see you this morning. Okay Malarndirri you’re first up, I mean not even billionaires want this $300 rebate, they want it means tested, why haven’t you done that?

Malarndirri McCarthy

Well they, the billionaire’s can certainly hand it back Karl, if that’s the case, or they can give it to their neighbor, to someone in need. This is about, as the Treasurer said the other night, an opportunity for all Australians to receive this. And most Australians who desperately need this, will get this. And clearly if there are billionaires out there who don’t want that, well please pass it on to your neighbor.

Karl Stefanovic

That’s not quite the point though is it. Michaelia, no party loves billionaires more than yours but the $300 is going down pretty well in heartland?

Senator Cash

But it’s also a drop in the ocean. You know it’s a band aid on a bullet wound compared to the pain that Mum and Dad’s in Australia are actually feeling. I mean I can tell you Karl, they’ve paid a lot more than $300 under Mr. Albanese for their electricity. For the life of me though, what it does show is Mr. Albanese, has got his priorities all wrong. Why do millionaires and billionaires with multiple homes get this rebate for each property that they own? It is beyond me. But as for the $300 Karl, a drop in the ocean. You know really sad, band aid on a bullet wound. Considering the pain that Australians are feeling because of the electricity price hikes under this government.

Karl Stefanovic


Malarndirri McCarthy

This is a good budget Senator Cash. This is a very good budget.

Senator Cash

It’s not what the commentators are saying Malarndirri.

Malarndirri McCarthy

You will be supporting this. You will be supporting this $300.

Senator Cash

You and I can say what we like Malarndirri but the commentators have called it. It is a bad budget.

Malarndirri McCarthy

This is a very good budget. Certainly one that works in terms of trying to reduce the cost of living for Australians. And I guess we’ll find out as the future goes on.

Karl Stefanovic

And Michaelia, to be fair Malarndirri makes a good point, you will support it?

Senator Cash

Oh, well we’ve made it very clear. Australians are doing it tough, Karl – they are doing a tough. However, put that aside, it shows the government’s priorities; a) are all wrong – millionaires and billionaires – I mean, that is absolutely ridiculous. But more than that Karl, it is a drop in the ocean considering the pain the cost of living crisis that Australians are currently facing.

Karl Stefanovic

Peter Dutton’s gearing up for his budget reply, the Coalition will make homeownership a core election issue. So what are you going to scale migration back to exactly?

Senator Cash

Oh under this government, let’s have a look at it. 1.67 million over the…

Karl Stefanovic

No but what are you gonna scale it back to?

Senator Cash 02:36

Well, that will be announced tonight. But the point is this – under this government over the last two years, almost a million people have come in. Over the next five years doesn’t matter what they say, Budget Papers show 1.67 million. There is a direct link with the immigration crisis in this country and the fact that Australians can’t get a house. So what will Peter Dutton do tonight, he will clearly set out a plan to tackle homeownership in Australia. You didn’t hear that from the government the other night Karl. But tonight, Australians and in particular young Australians, you will see a plan to show that you can get a home under Peter Dutton.

Karl Stefanovic

Sounds like an election looming… Now Malarndirri, it’s a problem this housing though, you’d have to admit that?

Malarndirri McCarthy

Well, what you did hear from the Treasurer the other night Karl, is that we will be investing in homes with houses right across the country. And we only have to look at the Northern Territory, with $4 billion going into the Northern Territory over the next 10 years to reduce homelessness and overcrowding and to give people an opportunity to have their own homes.

Karl Stefanovic

Alright, Albo’s got a few issues on the home front this morning. He’s put out an eviction notice to one of his tenants, the tenant’s gone public, he’s on our show in a little bit, Malarndirri a little nasty?

Malarndirri McCarthy

Well, clearly this is a personal matter for the Prime Minister. You know, this has been something that’s gone through his real estate agent. I think it’s most unfortunate that it’s had to go on the front pages of you know The Telegraph and others across the country. And I certainly hope that the tenant involved can see that this is a personal matter, and that’s something that he should deal with a real estate agent.

Karl Stefanovic

Alright, we’ll put that to him after seven. Michaelia, you got any problem tenants?

Senator Cash

Oh look Karl. Mr. Flanagan’s situation is just the reality of the situation facing millions of Australians. You know, there is a housing crisis. There is a rental crisis. I don’t know what Mr. Flanagan is going to do. I mean as Peter Dutton said – under this government, you have people living in tents, you have people living in cars. Mr. Flanagan’s situation, actually is the situation facing so many Australians under the Albanese government. And the sad reality is there was no solution for Mr. Flanagan in the budget.

Karl Stefanovic

Finally, Former Prime Minister Scott Morrison has met up with Donald Trump in New York. Malarndirri, just wanted to confirm, was this a sanctioned mission to repair any fallout from Kevin Rudd bagging the President?

Malarndirri McCarthy

Oh, nice one there Karl, I certainly would say that in terms of the conversation that seems to have occurred between the Former Prime Minister and the Former President is that he has a commitment to AUKUS, which is something that we want to see going forward whatever happens in the US election?

Karl Stefanovic

Michaelia Scomo, stepping away from politics?

Senator Cash

Proud legacy of Scott Morrison as Prime Minister of this country, the AUKUS deal. We put the security of Australia and Australians first and foremost, and it is good to see that regardless of who is the president of the United States, they are committed to the AUKUS deal as I said, a legacy of the former Coalition government.

Karl Stefanovic

Great talking to you ladies, thank you so much.

Senator Cash

Great to be with you.

Malarndirri McCarthy

Thank you.